Alopecia Areata Treatment in Hyderabad
Alopecia Areata Treatment in Hyderabad

Alopecia Areata Treatment in Hyderabad

What is Alopecia Areata? Living With It

Alopecia areata is one of the kinds of alopecia, a form of hair loss where sudden baldness occurs in spots or patches in different parts of the body, mainly the scalp and the face. For most patients, it appears as single or multiple bald patches. However, the condition can spread to the entire locally affected area or even the whole body. It can impact one’s physical appearance and life quality and be a great psychological distress, if left unaddressed for long. Can alopecia be cured? This hair loss condition has become common nowadays, and the hair loss doctors at Neya Dermatology & Aesthetics Clinics are the best providers for alopecia areata treatment in Hyderabad.

Alopecia Areata Symptoms

Primarily, alopecia areata affects the hair but it can even lead to changes in nail appearance. People affected with alopecia areata disease usually have good general health and no other symptoms.

Signs of alopecia areata include:

  • Development of oval or round, smooth bare patches, mostly on the scalp and sometimes on other facial or body sites including beards in men and eyebrows in over a few weeks
  • Exclamation mark alopecia areata- Exclamation point hair is the characteristic diagnostic finding of alopecia areata. It refers to the short broken-off hairs that appear around the edges of the bald patches and are narrower closer to the scalp than their tips, thereby resembling an exclamation mark
  • Slight tingling, itching, or burning sensation on affected areas right before hair loss occurs
  • Early Signs- follicular papules or raised spots, in reddened patches or plaques of about 1 inch long or bigger
  • Small bald patches grow bigger by joining new hair-loss patches
  • Hair regrows in a few months, mostly in the case of people with later age of onset of the disease, no family history of alopecia areata, less extensive hair loss, and no nail changes. The new hair may be white or grey at first and later get back its natural colour.
  • Nail changes- In people with more extensive hair loss, nail ridges or pits develop.

Types of Alopecia Areata

  1. Patchy Alopecia Areata- It is the most common type where hair loss causes the appearance of one or more coin-sized patches on the scalp or other body sites. For effective hair loss treatment in Hyderabad get in touch with Neya Dermatology & Aesthetics Clinics dermatologist.
  2. Diffuse Alopecia Areata- It is the diffusing hair thinning of the entire scalp which may or not be accompanied by patchy hair loss.
  3. Alopecia Totalis- It is the loss of total or nearly all of the hair on the scalp as a result of the spread of bald patches over time.
  4. Alopecia Universalis- This rare type of hair loss appears as nearly all or 100% loss of hair on the entire scalp, face, and remaining body.
  5. Alopecia Areata Barbae- It is the localised patchy hair loss of the beard zone.
  6. Ophiasis Alopecia- It is the wavy hair loss from the scalp’s circumference.

What Causes Alopecia Areata?

Alopecia areata causes in females and men are multifactorial and it’s recognized as an autoimmune condition. 

Alopecia areata's reason is the immune system's mistaken identification of its hair cells as foreign bodies. Immune system cells attack hair follicles leading to inflammation and eventually hair loss. Researchers are unable to completely understand the cause of alopecia areata, but they believe that even environmental and genetic factors are the contributors.
In males, alopecia areata is more severe causing patchy hair loss in different body areas, including the beard. However, female alopecia areata are more common than males. Alopecia areata in women can involve scalp, eyelashes, and eyebrows.

Who mostly gets alopecia?

Alopecia can equally affect all genders, races, and ethnicities. However, researchers suggest that mostly more women get alopecia areata rather than men of the same races and ethnicities.

How to test for alopecia?

A certified dermatologist often diagnoses alopecia by reviewing the patient’s medical history and careful examination of the scalp affected by hair loss with or without a dermatoscope. SALT score alopecia areata is a dermatologist approach to determine the severity of alopecia areata. If the SALT score is above 50, hair loss is severe and a 100 score indicates 100% hair loss. In some instances, trichotometric analysis, fungal culture test, punch biopsy, and blood test to check for iron deficiency, thyroid disease, and androgen excess is done to identify the cause of alopecia. 

How to treat alopecia areata?

For many patients suffering from mild cases of alopecia areata, hair may grow back without any treatment. Moderate to severe cases of alopecia areata should be treated timely.

Those who choose to go ahead with alopecia areata treatment are provided with a personalised treatment plan after their age and hair loss severity are taken note of. The main alopecia areata treatment in Hyderabad goal is to stop the immune system's attack on hair follicles and encourage hair regrowth.

Given below are the hair loss treatment in Hyderabad options that can work for alopecia areata:

  1. Alopecia areata natural treatment- Some natural, home remedies for alopecia areata can aid in hair regrowth but can’t cure the autoimmune disease. These include aromatherapy with botanical ingredients like rosemary, thyme, cedarwood, and lavender; a kitchen approach; dietary changes; Vitamin D supplements; and yoga or medication for stress relief.
  2. Janus Kinase Inhibitor- JK inhibitor is effective for treating alopecia areata.
  3. Alopecia areata beard treatment- Alopecia areata beard is treatable with medications like corticosteroids, diph-ency-prone, mino-xidil, and anth-ralin.
  4. Corticosteroid injection- So far, the best treatment for alopecia areata is the alopecia areata injection containing corticosteroids. These work in suppressing the immune system.
  5. Topical anth-ralin and corticosteroids: If searching for the best ointment for alopecia areata, it is worth trying corticosteroid creams and solutions as well as anthralin creams.

Alopecia areata treatment near me!

Have you been googling for the best alopecia areata doctor near me? Reach out to top-notch dermatologists in Hyderabad at Neya Dermatology & Aesthetics Clinic and receive advanced and affordable alopecia areata treatment. At Neya Dermatology & Aesthetics Clinic, hair loss experts are committed to providing you with the utmost, personalised care and unparalleled service with amazing results!

FAQs Around Alopecia Areata Treatment in Hyderabad

+How do I stop my alopecia?

+Is alopecia areata life-threatening?

+Can alopecia areata be cured?

+Can hair grow back after alopecia?

+What age does alopecia start?

+Does alopecia go away?

+Can stress cause alopecia?

+What is the best treatment for alopecia?

+Is alopecia genetic?

+Is alopecia areata permanent?

+Does alopecia areata spread?

+How to stop alopecia areata from spreading?

Neya Dermatology & Aesthetics Clinic
Clinic Timings

Mon - Sat : 10:30 AM to 7:00 PM
Sunday : 10:30 AM to 5:30 PM

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